Girls in Action (GA's) is a mission-minded organization for girls in grades K-6. GA's is sponsored by the Women's Missionary Union (WMU). In GA's girls learn about missions, pray for missions, and give to missions while participating in various mission activities. Additional information can be found here.
Recently, the girls have been actively working to raise money for Pure Water, Pure Love. This is a ministry of WMU to provide water filters to missionaries and the people that they minister to so that they can have clean water.
In January 2015, the GA's had a bake sale to donate to the Lottie Moon Offering. They also visited a local nursing home and sang Christmas carols and handed out Christmas cards in December 2014. The girls send cards and letters to the Mission Kids (children of missionaries) from their GA books and pray for each one of them.
The GA Motto is "Go Forward!" Riverside is very proud of these girls' efforts in spreading the gospel in our community and to those around the world.
The GA's meet on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m.